Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Policy


At QCD Holdings, we are committed to ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of our employees, customers, contractors, and the communities we serve across the UK. We also recognise our responsibility to minimise our environmental impact and promote sustainability in all our operations. This HSE Policy outlines our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of health, safety, and environmental protection in compliance with UK legislation.

Our Commitment

  • Health and Safety: We are dedicated to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors, and visitors. We believe that all incidents, injuries, and work-related illnesses are preventable, and we strive to eliminate hazards through proactive risk management and continuous improvement of our safety practices.

  • Environmental Protection: We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint through responsible resource management, waste reduction, and pollution prevention. We aim to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner, ensuring that our activities contribute positively to the environment and the communities in which we operate.

Key Principles

  1. Compliance with UK Legal Requirements: We will comply with all applicable UK health, safety, and environmental laws, including the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Environmental Protection Act 1990, and other relevant regulations. Where appropriate, we will exceed these requirements to further safeguard our people and the environment.

  2. Risk Management: We will identify, assess, and manage risks associated with our operations in accordance with UK regulations. By implementing effective controls and safety measures, we aim to prevent accidents, injuries, and environmental harm.

  3. Training and Awareness: We will provide our employees and contractors with the necessary training, information, and resources to perform their duties safely and responsibly. This includes mandatory training on UK-specific health, safety, and environmental regulations. We encourage a culture of safety and environmental stewardship, where every individual takes ownership of their role in protecting themselves, others, and the environment.

  4. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continually improving our HSE performance through regular monitoring, audits, and reviews, in line with UK best practices. We will set measurable objectives and targets to drive progress and hold ourselves accountable for achieving them.

  5. Incident Reporting and Investigation: We will encourage the prompt reporting of all incidents, near-misses, and unsafe conditions. All reported incidents will be thoroughly investigated to identify root causes and prevent recurrence, in compliance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013.

  6. Emergency Preparedness: We will maintain effective emergency response plans to ensure that we are prepared for potential health, safety, and environmental incidents. These plans will be regularly reviewed and tested in compliance with UK standards, ensuring our readiness to respond effectively.

  7. Sustainability and Resource Management: We will strive to minimise waste, conserve energy and water, and use resources efficiently. We will promote the use of sustainable practices and materials in all aspects of our business, aligning with UK environmental targets and goals.

  8. Community Engagement: We will engage with our local communities to ensure that our operations have a positive impact and address any concerns related to health, safety, and environmental matters. We will adhere to all relevant public consultation requirements and work transparently with stakeholders.


  • Management: Our leadership team is responsible for providing the resources, support, and leadership necessary to implement this HSE Policy. They will lead by example and ensure that HSE considerations are integrated into all business decisions, in compliance with UK regulations.

  • Employees: Every employee has a responsibility to work safely, report hazards, and contribute to our environmental goals. Employees are encouraged to actively participate in safety initiatives and environmental programmes, and to understand their rights and responsibilities under UK law.

  • Contractors and Suppliers: We expect our contractors and suppliers to adhere to our HSE standards and comply with all relevant UK laws and regulations. We will work collaboratively with them to maintain a safe and sustainable work environment.


At QCD Holdings, health, safety, and environmental stewardship are fundamental to our success. By upholding the principles outlined in this policy, we aim to protect our people, preserve the environment, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our operations, in full compliance with UK law.

Approved by:
QCD Holdings Board